An Earth Shattering Mid-Year Review 🗺️ Plus, art as a sensory reality check

My human's mid-year performance review is coming up, and she is fretting like a dog without a bone.
I sit at her feet while she curses unachievable KPIs, unfair expectations and outrageous goals.
It got me thinking about how a mid-year review with Planet Earth and humans would play out.
'Humans: So, Earth, you've thrown a tantrum of storms and fires of late. Â
That's not an effective communication tool. Â
Planet Earth:Â I noticed. Everything remains Business As Usual.
Humans:Â Let's move on; what's one of your key accomplishments?
Planet Earth:Â Life.
Humans:Â Talk me through that.
Planet Earth:Â You can see it for yourself; take a walk in the nature I gifted you.
Humans: Meh. I can see a tree from this office. Too many bugs anyway. But we're working on a solution for that. Â
Planet Earth: Like when you introduced cane toads to QLD, Australia, to get rid of the beetles?Â
Humans:Â Hmmmm, I'm not too fond of your attitude. It would help if you celebrated our cleverness and achievements. We created antibiotics!
Planet Earth: You created antimicrobial resistance. Â
You coined antibiotics. After you stumbled across it in my nature. Â
Ever created an ecosystem?
Humans:Â Ha! Apple's ecosystem is masterful.
Planet Earth:Â Â It sends shivers up my trees.
A suite of shiny products built from the natural resources you excavate from me.
Then mindlessly discard with each new version release. Not clever.
My natural resources are 'limited editions'.
Humans:Â hmph! You miss the point.Â
We need convenience, a concept which is a major knowledge gap of yours.Â
Planet Earth: Your obsession with convenience makes my water boil. Â
You'd probably think a drone to walk your dog is a triumph in technology and convenience.
Humans:Â Oooooooh, I'll get the team working on that immediately.
I'll call it the 'Doggy Drone' – I am so clever!
I'll need precious metals and minerals at scale to build and distribute them worldwide, so step up your game.Â
Planet Earth:Â Ugh! I feel under the weather at the thought of it.
Humans: No time for burnout. Remember, you are replaceable. Mars is hot on your heels. Â
Planet Earth: Like when touted transfats to replace saturated fats? That went well.Â
By the way, Mars is cold. Nothing hot about her.
Humans: You are really pushing me to my limits today. Â
Planet Earth:Â Oh, the irony!
Humans: Right, I'm calling it a day. Â
Planet Earth:Â Practically speaking, only I can do that...
Humans:Â Get out!
Planet Earth:Â Get real!'
In reality, Planet Earth's accomplishments are mind-blowingly marvellous.
But, her efforts are thwarted and undermined – her fertile soil is ruined with fertilisers, her vibrant trees are butchered, her fresh air is polluted, and her vast oceans are used as dumping grounds.
Anyway, I'm barking up the wrong tree here, talking like Planet Earth works for humans.Â
After all, she is not paid for her time, efforts, or 'limited resources'.
My doggy intuition tells me she will have the last word.

- Sit. Stay. Scale. The robot dog scaling walls {link}
- You can't have your tech cake and eat it to {link}
- How much does a bug sting hurt anyway? {link}

Invasivorism is the act of eating invasive species to help control or eliminate their numbers.
It is marketed as ethical eating by some and seems to be instaworthy.
Cane toad is on the menu.

'Andre, drones are all the rage right now. I heard a Doggy Drone will soon be released to take my Billy for is daily walk. I'm interested in how you would feel about this?'
Whoa!!! Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Without knowing too much about Billy, I will assume that, like me, he is always keen for a walk, the chance to sniff a path and take strides in the park.Â
But a buzzing piece of metal with flashing lights leading the way is not my cup of treats.Â
There is no substitute for quality time between humans and pets.
Bad day at work? Spend some time with me, and I’ll reduce your cortisol.
Feeling overwhelmed? Gimme a pat, and I’ll ease your anxiety.
Feeling elated? Look into my eyes, and I’ll share the joy with you.
Not to mention all the non-obvious benefits of my human and me on our daily walks – exercise, socialising, discovery, adventure…
Animals, especially dogs, are used as companion animals and for therapy because the interaction and touch between humans and animals are irreplaceable.
Studies show a human and pet bond is associated with an elevated state of well-being, enjoyment and meaning.
It’s all about the time spent together. Â
Drones delivering blood to rural hospitals in Rwanda - woof to that. Drones mimicking the magic of human touch between pets and humans – barking impossible!Â

Pawel Kuczynski makes you think. His pieces are genuinely clever and offer the viewer a jarring depiction of the modern world.
Gazing at his work brings a hard-hitting reality check of the human predicament that is difficult to ignore.
Like nature, art can be underappreciated. But an artist's and nature's ability to strike a chord with human senses and arouse human emotions is powerful.Â
Art can reach us in ways that words can't.
I think Pawel would draw a sharp insight into dogs walked by drones!
That's all for this month. I'm off to de-stress my human with playtime and walkies!Â
See you in June.
Howling out,

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